How Weather Affects Pets: Tips for Seasonal Health and Comfort

Seasons come and go, and as temperatures rise and fall, it’s important to be mindful of weather effects on pets. At Borgfeld Animal Hospital, we want our pet friends to stay comfy and healthy all year long, so in this blog, our team shares some of our favorite seasonal pet health tips.
Pet Care in Cold Seasons
While our winters are fairly mild in San Antonio, wind and rain can make a winter chill feel downright frigid. Protect pets from the elements with these tips for pet care in cold seasons:
- Limit outdoor time: Smaller breeds and pets with thin coats are prone to hypothermia. Limit time outdoors when temperatures fall near freezing.
- Dress pets for the weather: Keep your pet warm (and stylish!) with pet booties paired with a coat or sweater when walking outdoors.
- Groom regularly: Brush pets daily to remove old fur, stimulate natural oils, and prevent uncomfortable mats.
- Keep pets dry: During cold, wet weather, dry off pets as soon as they come inside.
- Hydration help: Lower temperatures mean drier air, making dehydration a concern—particularly for very active pets or senior pets. A pet fountain can encourage more water consumption.
- Cozy is key: Keep pet beds clean, dry, and away from drafts. An orthopedic pet bed or low-wattage heating pad made just for pets can be helpful for animals with arthritis.
Tips for Pet Comfort in Hot Weather
As temperatures climb again in the summer, heat exhaustion and other weather effects on pets become a concern. Protect your pet with these suggestions for pet comfort in hot weather:
- Watch for signs of overheating: Heat exhaustion is a concern for pets in San Antonio, particularly for short-nosed breeds like pugs. If you spot symptoms like excessive panting, vomiting, and lethargy, move your pet to an air-conditioned location and contact your veterinarian.
- Tame that summer itch: Warm weather can cause seasonal allergies in pets to spike, setting off bouts of itching, scratching, and sneezing. Frequent baths can wash away allergens, and we can help with medications, topical treatments, and immunotherapy.
- Routine grooming: Regularly brush and trim long fur to keep pets cool in the heat.
- DIY cool treats: Frozen berries, banana chunks, and homemade “pupsicles” are a hit with pets in hot weather.
- Playtime at the right time: Avoid vigorous exercise in the heat of the day.
- Shade and water: Make sure your pet always has access to shade and clean water when playing outdoors.
- Use pet sunscreen: Protect the tender skin around your pet’s muzzle and ears with a pet-safe sunscreen.
Seasonal Pet Health Starts With Prevention
When it comes to seasonal pet health tips, priority number one is making sure your pet is up to date with wellness and preventive care visits. We’ll make sure your pet is on track with recommended vaccines, parasite prevention, weight management, and more.
Contact us today at (830) 313-5290 for more seasonal pet health tips or to schedule an appointment.