Fleas and Ticks: Protecting Your Pets in San Antonio

Regardless of whether they’re internal or external, parasites are universally feared and loathed. As blood-suckers, parasites aren’t just gross; they’re responsible for spreading many different diseases to pets and people alike. The good news is that pet owners can disrupt the efforts of vectors like fleas, ticks, and mosquitoes. With routine preventive medication and certain lifestyle changes, San Antonio pets can effectively stand up to pesky parasites.
They’re Out There
Parasites are found everywhere in the environment. Even indoor-only pets can become infected by way of open windows/doors, soil tracked into the home, on clothing of people, and ingesting infected hosts. Plus, San Antonio’s climate creates great conditions for parasites all year round.
Many symptoms of vector-borne illness aren’t immediately obvious. Diagnostic testing for common diseases is routine to not only detect and treat illness early, but can interrupt the contagion and reduce the spread of disease. What’s more, parasite prevention medication can only be administered after tests yield negative results.
The Usual Suspects
Some of the most common offenders in and around San Antonio include:
- Heartworms: Microscopic heartworm larvae are picked up by mosquitoes when they feed on the blood of an infected host. When they travel to their next host, mosquitoes carry contaminated blood and deposit the larvae into the bloodstream. Over time, the larvae move to the heart and lungs where they’ll grow into mature, reproducing adult worms. Heartworm disease can take many years to develop. Once symptoms begin to affect a pet’s life, treatment can be expensive and painful to treat in dogs. There is no treatment available to feline patients.
- Fleas: Extremely problematic in the Texas warmth and humidity, fleas bite and suck the blood of their hosts. With their incredible jumping skills and their ability to reproduce quickly, fleas lead to irritating and costly infestations. Pets react to flea bites with intense itching and scratching, and some experience secondary skin infection. Flea allergy dermatitis can result from a reaction to flea saliva, and can make pets miserable. Luckily, fleas can be eradicated before they even get started with a parasite prevention medication, a tidy yard, and routine cleaning of the pet’s bed and environment.
- Ticks: Related to spiders, ticks lie in wait for prey to walk by them. Found in overgrown bushes, tall grasses, and leaf piles, ticks attach to a pet’s neck, belly, legs, ears, and feet. In addition to diseases like Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever, Anaplasmosis, Ehrlichiosis, and Babesiosis, ticks spread Lyme disease. Safe and complete tick removal is necessary, and disinfecting the site, and testing for the above diseases is critical.
The Key to Prevention
Parasite prevention medication is crucial to safeguarding a pet’s health and wellness throughout the year. While some chewable medications simply thwart fleas, ticks and heartworm-carrying mosquitoes, others take out internal parasites like roundworms and hookworms. Additionally, topical and wearable medications can be used in tandem with preventive medications for a full-spectrum approach.
As part of your pet’s routine wellness exam, we can develop a course of action that maintains their optimal health and keeps your entire household safe from parasites. Our team at Borgfeld Animal Hospital is available at (830) 313–5290 to assist you with any questions or concerns.